Welcome to Buffaloe Cattle Co.
Buffaloe Cattle Company is located on the Texas Gulf Coast of the US, near Victoria, Texas. We raise registered Red Brangus and Brangus Cattle. Our Red Brangus herd consists of 50 to 60 mature, producing females and the leading Red Brangus bulls in the breed. Our females are served naturally by Champion Bulls. We augment these Champions by artificially inseminating select females. We have raised or own interest in many champion females and flush these females for embryos. We offer bulls, heifers, semen and embryos for sale from the leading genetics in Red Brangus. In addition, we sell show heifers to Juniors as exhibited by the Champions in our Junior Breeders Section of the website.
Registered Red Brangus Cattle
Buffaloe Cattle Company is located on the Texas Gulf Coast of the US, near Victoria, Texas. We raise registered Red Brangus and Brangus Cattle. Our Red Brangus herd consists of 50 to 60 mature, producing females and the leading Red Brangus bulls in the breed. Our females are served naturally by Champion Bulls. We augment these Champions by artificially inseminating select females. We have raised or own interest in many champion females and flush these females for embryos. We offer bulls, heifers, semen and embryos for sale from the leading genetics in Red Brangus. In addition, we sell show heifers to Juniors as exhibited by the Champions in our Junior Breeders Section of the website.

Ranch History
The Buffaloe Family has raised cattle on the Gulf Coast of Texas for over 130 years. Our brand was registered by my Great Grandfather, James Robinson, in Victoria County in 1895. The cattle operation originally consisted of commercial cattle. At Palacios, Texas in the mid 1920’s, Ed and Frank Buffaloe began raising Registered Brahman cattle. For 5 years between 1950 and 1960, a Buffaloe raised, registered Brahman female produced the Grand Champion Brahman Bull at the Houston Livestock Show. Gene and Wilma Buffaloe purchased our first Brangus cattle in the 1970’s and we purchased our first Red Brangus cattle in 1986.